Carol Fares

Mental Health Talks with our Syrian Parents

In the article, the author shares their mental health and the reactions of their parents when they were diagnosed with their friends. The author explains that the parents do not have enough information about mental health, so they have difficulty accepting or supporting their children’s situation. The author emphasizes that we need to understand and help our parents, give them information about mental health treatment, and answer their questions patiently.)

Apollodorus: The Greatest Architect in the Ancient World from Damascus to Rome

“The Syrian Orontes (river) has long been discharging into the Tiber (of Italy), carrying with it its language and morals and slanting strings, complete with piper, not to speak of its native timbrels.” -Juvenal, an ancient Roman poet.

History of the Syrian Pound

The Lira is Syria’s official currency. It has evolved numerous times with the changes that Syria and the region in general went through from the late Ottoman era, to the French Mandate, to foreign interventions through to independence, and its usage began in 1948.