Social Issues

Why is the Diaspora so Detached from their Homeland?

Syrians in the diaspora face a dilemma: how to keep their identity alive while adapting to a new environment. This article explores the struggles and joys of being Syrian in Canada, through the lens of personal stories and reflections.

Happy Mother’s Day to Mama

“She knew everything all these years.” Mama and my Queer Identity- an anonymous submission from Aleppo.


In the bustling streets of Tartus, Syria, a disheartening reality confronts women daily. Catcalling has become an accepted norm, a twisted form of compliment, infesting markets, universities, and even religious greetings. This disturbing norm prompts a reflection on the unequal treatment between men and women, where a girl named Zeina, who once catcalled, faced merciless judgment, while the constant harassment by boys remained unaddressed. The exhaustion and frustration with this societal surrender to such behaviors resonate deeply, questioning the endurance of enduring this ongoing injustice.