Social Issues

Fading Lights and Patient Souls: Celebrating Holidays of Hope in Syria

Over the past decade, a lot of attention has been directed towards Syria, the beating heart of the Middle East, which embodies a complex human story as it fights to maintain its identity in the face of conflict and political and social transformations. In this part of the world, life used to overflow with colors and holidays were filled with joy and brotherhood. However, things are different today, where holidays are looked upon with nostalgia and patience.

Perhaps the deeper meaning of holidays in Syria is the hope for reunion, unity and peace, with every passing holiday serving as a reminder that light is still shining through the darkness, and that life still goes on in the face of adversity.

I Dream of the Day I Cross the Levant on a Borderless Trip Like my Grandparents did

Categories Culture and Heritage Social Issues Society I Dream I Dream of the Day I Cross the Levant on a Borderless Trip Like my Grandparents did I have always wanted…

Al Muhajireen Neighbourhood – History & Heritage

Walking along its narrow, branching and ascending staircases, Al-Muhajireen is a unique Damascene neighborhood unlike any other. Its history stretches back to 1899 when Nazim Pasha, Damascus’ Ottoman governor at the time, decided to settle Muslims from the Greek island of Crete who immigrated as a result of sectarian violence on the island. Over time, the neighborhood developed into a blend of immigrants of various ethnic groups, mostly from the Balkans and Circassia (southwest Russia). Al-Muhajireen gained further importance after Nazim Pasha built Al-Muhajireen Palace, which later became the residence of Syria’s first elected president, Muhammad al Abid, who decided during his tenure in office (1932-1936) to build a tramway line that connected the center of Damascus to Al-Muhajireen. Overlooking the city of Damascus on Mount Qasioun, Al-Muhajireen is a mesmerizing neighborhood for locals.

The Art of Mockery

Categories Social Issues Society The Art of Mockery The Art of Mockery Known to be a prominent strength in the Syrian (and Arab) community, mockery is the act of diminishing…

Violence of the Currency Crisis

Categories Social Issues Society Violence of the Currency Crisis Violence of the Currency Crisis I don’t know how Syrians are surviving.” People have been uttering this sentence for over two…

Goodbyes and Uncertain Reunions: What My Syrianness Has Given Me

Categories Social Issues Society Goodbyes and Uncertain Reunions: Goodbyes and Uncertain Reunions: What My Syrianness Has Given Me I remember the exact layout of the room: my grandparents in one…

Plastic Surgery in Syria

Beauty lies in diversity. Syrians in particular are no strangers to beauty, thanks to an eclectic past that has birthed some of the world’s oldest metropolises. We take pride in the beauty of our people, a beauty that is diverse. However, this does not seem to be the case in today’s Syria, as women, and even men, are pressured into trying to achieve an unreachable level of perfection. In the meantime, plastic surgeons and aestheticians are making a fortune off of botched procedures.

Journalism in Syria

Categories History Social Issues Society Journalism in Syria Journalism in Syria Throughout Syria’s history, the way in which we hear news has evolved significantly, and the media’s landscape has been…

The Aleppine Diary

In Aleppo’s sorrowful veil, emotions banished, replaced by an eerie calm. Death’s grip on the city, a haunting presence. Once vibrant, now a desolate echo, mourned in silence, a tragic tale of uncherished life.

Al Khattabeen: The Degrading Influence on the Self Esteem of Young Female Adults

Exploring the complex traditions of Syrian weddings, the article delves into the role of ‘Khattabeen’ in arranging marriages, highlighting the cultural nuances and challenges faced by women in these traditional practices.