
The Lives of Queer People in Syria

In an attempt to “eradicate” them, our society is largely silent about its queer population. Behind this facade of silence are many heartbreaking stories and lived realities of queer people who have been ignored and left to live in hell due to laws in Syria that not only criminalize their personal endeavors, but their whole existence; laws that fail to criminalize violence instigated by surrounding hostile environments. It is time for everyone to understand that a Queer person’s feelings are never ever by choice… how insane would it be for one to “choose” a life of continuous struggle.

The Syrian Society for Assisting the LGBTQ+ Community is an unlicensed association due to the country’s policies and oppressive society. Their objectives include:

– helping individuals in the  community, especially those whose lives are threatened by their surroundings
– providing psychological support for those facing emotional distress
– offering online awareness sessions for those struggling with self-acceptance and societal differences regarding sexual orientation
– and assisting with relocation through the United Nations or Kandil organization in neighboring countries.

For urgent contact: [email protected]. Instagram page: syrasslgbt.

Coeducation in Syria as a Solution to Gender-Related Issues

Syria’s segregated education system lacks discourse on the social impact. Studies show coeducation fosters equality, breaks stereotypes, and enhances understanding. Do walls truly ensure safety or hinder learning equality?

Nazik Al Abid: Activism, Feminism, and Her Struggle for a Better Syria

The story of a revolutionary Damascene woman. Nazik Al Abid reminds us how damaging patriarchal oppressive customs hinder us from any progress, how feminism not only empowers women, but creates a just society. Her struggle for a better Syria, which largely was achieved at the time, did not come without the pointing fingers of insecure men and women who were too intimidated by her. We remember her legacy today with the current state of Syria as we have much to improve and many voices and issues that have been ignored.

Living in the Shadows to Protect My Family

Thank you for sharing your article with me. Here is an excerpt that I generated for it:

A Syrian queer man shares his journey of self-discovery and self-acceptance in an unkind society. He challenges the stigma and discrimination that he and others like him face, and calls for recognition and respect of their humanity.

Religion, Society & Suicide

Suicide is a complex and tragic phenomenon that affects many people in Syria. It is often misunderstood and stigmatized by cultural and religious factors that prevent people from seeking help. This article explores the causes and consequences of suicide in Syria, and how we can create a more supportive and compassionate society for those who struggle with suicidal thoughts.

Not So Happy Eid

“Happy Eid” messages have yet again bombarded my phone… Year after year, I look at the messages sent by family and friends whom I haven’t seen in years, and the irony of these two words leave me staring back at them wondering, we are not happy.

Why is the Diaspora so Detached from their Homeland?

Syrians in the diaspora face a dilemma: how to keep their identity alive while adapting to a new environment. This article explores the struggles and joys of being Syrian in Canada, through the lens of personal stories and reflections.

Happy Mother’s Day to Mama

“She knew everything all these years.” Mama and my Queer Identity- an anonymous submission from Aleppo.


In the bustling streets of Tartus, Syria, a disheartening reality confronts women daily. Catcalling has become an accepted norm, a twisted form of compliment, infesting markets, universities, and even religious greetings. This disturbing norm prompts a reflection on the unequal treatment between men and women, where a girl named Zeina, who once catcalled, faced merciless judgment, while the constant harassment by boys remained unaddressed. The exhaustion and frustration with this societal surrender to such behaviors resonate deeply, questioning the endurance of enduring this ongoing injustice.