Author: Hala W.

Syria’s Alawites

Part 7 of the series about Syria’s religious makeup: the Alawites. We aim to educate ourselves and our fellow Syrians on the history and communities of our country. Misinformation often grows vastly and knowledge about one another is a vital way to achieve coexistence and move forward. With a history of about 1,000 years in Syria, the Alawite community is a prominent component of the Syrian social fabric. Centralised in western Syria, today Alawites form the 2nd largest religious community forming < 18% of the country (3rd before 2011 - < 12%), today surpassing Syrian Christians & preceding Syrian Sunni Muslims. Understanding the history of the Alawites allows us to understand their presence in Syria today. While most Syrian Alawites identify as Muslim, some view themselves as distinctively Alawite due to the unique characteristics of this secretive sect.