December 13, 2022

Yazidis in Syria

Part 8 and the final religious group of the series about Syria’s religious makeup: the Yazidis. Special thanks to Syrian Yazidi followers @wailoo_ & @samarshekho who helped with the info!
We aim to educate ourselves and our fellow Syrians on the history and communities of our country. Misinformation often grows vastly and knowledge about one another is a vital way to achieve coexistence and move forward. With a long history in northern Syria, Yazidis who were much more numerous in the past, belong to a faith regarded as the traditionally indigenous faith of the Kurdish community. They form the smallest recognized (but not officially) religious group in Syria. Yazidis in Syria lived fairly openly in recent history until the advent of the war and barbaric extremism against the Yazidi community in Iraq which eventually impacted the community in Syria. Syria’s Yazidis have endured unspoken atrocities in addition to being one of the country’s most socially/culturally ostracised.