August 17, 2022

Honor and Virginity: The Myths of the Hymen

Let’s debunk myths and end the fear once and for all, a woman’s dignity is her honesty, and there’s no evidence to prove virginity, just like there isn’t for the other gender (men). Here are four shocking things I heard and experienced as a Syrian woman:

The 1st shock:
Once, an anxious girl asked me how she could make sure she’s still a “virgin”. She was studying in another city and sharing a dorm room with other girls. She’d never had any sexual experiences, but she would have strange thoughts that her roommates sedated her and tore her hymen.
The 2nd shock:
I met a guy about a year ago, who claims that he’s very open-minded and has attended several sexual education courses, so according to him, he’s very aware of sexual health. Turns out he believes premarital screenings can determine a woman’s virginity (a total myth).
The 3rd shock:
I came across a girl’s post in a private- only women- Facebook group. She was freaking out because while walking on a street she had to jump over a hole in the ground. When she got home, she saw a couple drops of blood and wondered: “Am I bleeding because my hymen tore? Does that mean l am not a virgin anymore? Please, reassure me!”
The 4th shock:
In one of the gender-based violence workshops I used to run, I was shocked when a young man simply intervened with: “A woman who was raped is no longer suitable for marriage. She’s not a virgin anymore.” To my surprise, the majority of the group agreed with him.