April 1, 2022

AKITU 6772 Years of Civilization

Today, Akitu is mainly celebrated by the Assyrian/Aramaean identifying community, Chaldeans (Catholic Assyrians), and all Syrian and Iraqi Christians following the Syriac Orthodox & Catholic churches. It is also significant to many Alawites & Ismailis in the country (altogether, these communities form between 20-30% of Syria).

Our ancestors across the region recognized the importance of celebrating life, renewal, and our fertile lands. Syria today seems to be the antithesis of that, many of our people are desperate for a life worth celebrating, but we remember the many Syrians both in and out of the country who are doing their part in a strive for a better Syria.

Akitu Brikho (Syriac for Blessed Akitu) to every one of those Syrians whose love for our land, history, and belief in our people in spite of everything, never withers away.