February 27, 2022

Syria’s Ismailis

Special thanks to member of the community Ali Al Haj who helped provide some insightful information Graphics: @nourxahabi Fifth in our series of Syria’s religious makeup: the Ismaili Muslims. We aim to educate ourselves and our fellow Syrians on the history and communities of our country. Misinformation often grows vastly and knowledge about one another is a vital way to achieve coexistence and move forward. Ismailism in Syria dates back to the year 806 AD. Centralized in Syria’s west by the Coastal Mountains, Ismailis form large minorities in the governorates of Hama and Tartus. Historically stemming from Shia Islam, it shares much with mainstream Islam but is also distinct in its practices and history. Syria boasts one of the largest Ismaili communities worldwide, and today, the community likely forms the 6th largest religious group in the country. It is the smallest Islamic-related sect in Syria following the Sunnis, Alawites, Druze & Twelver Shias.