September 26, 2021

Syria’s Jews

Second in our series of Syria’s religious makeup: the Jews. We aim to educate ourselves and our fellow Syrians on the history and communities of our country. Misinformation often grows vastly and knowledge about one another is a vital way to achieve coexistence and move forward. Syria is part of a region considered to be the cradle of Judaism. Syrian Jews like their fellow Levantine Jews in Lebanon and Palestine form one of, if not, the oldest Jewish communities worldwide. Centred mainly in Damascus and Aleppo, members of this Abrahamic faith were integral to Syria’s cultural image and history. From some of the oldest synagogues worldwide in Aleppo & Jobar (Damascus suburb), to a stunning legacy of rich material culture that still lives on in Old Damascus. Tensions following the partitioning of Palestine, pockets of sectarianism, and ignorance resulted in a community that began to shrink since the late 1800s, culminating to their disappearance in Syria unfortunately today. In the diaspora, while strongly assimilating in their adoptive homes, they hold strongly to their Syrian heritage.