September 11, 2021

Syria’s Druze

First in our series of Syria’s religious makeup: the Druze. We aim to educate ourselves and our fellow Syrians on the history and communities of our country. Misinformation often grows vastly and knowledge about one another is a vital way to achieve coexistence and move forward. The Druze faith is a syncretic monotheistic faith that is also esoteric and largely secretive. While the faith has some connections to Abrahamic religions and is often mistakenly linked to Islam, today it is a distinct faith with distinct practices, and almost all Druze do not identify as Muslims. Roughly half of the worldwide Druze population is located in Syria where they form the fourth or fifth largest religious group in the country (3-4%), (following Sunni Muslims, Alawites & Christians, preceding Shia Muslims & Ismailis (however they may possibly replace the Druze today as 4th largest, placing the Druze in 5th place)) Edit: Druze are also located in Northern Jordan forming 0.5-1% of the country. This places them in the light pink category on the map with Idlib Governorate.